Can college freshmen actually stay healthy in college? Yes! Having a social life, earning good grades, and making one’s health a priority requires discipline, but you can do it!
All in Dear College Freshman
Can college freshmen actually stay healthy in college? Yes! Having a social life, earning good grades, and making one’s health a priority requires discipline, but you can do it!
Your college roommate’s behavior annoys you, but you’re afraid of damaging your relationship. Learn more about how to identify the problem and initiate a conversation!
How are you talking to yourself? College freshmen often allow themselves to think less than honest facts. Learn what the 2 biggest lies are and how to combat them!
You feel like you can't keep going. You’re ready to be done or to give up. Don’t. Instead, learn how practicing gratitude can change your perspective.
Spring break is finally here! You’ve been counting down the days, and it arrived. What should you and shouldn’t you expect going into your first college spring break?
Do you fixate on small problems? Many freshmen struggle moving on after making mistakes. Learn how to deal with your problems and move on with three questions.
How can you still get stuff done even when you don’t care anymore? Your homework won’t disappear, so push pass your feelings and use tried-and-true methods to get stuff done!
How do top students succeed academically? Are they merely smarter or is there something else that helps them do well? Top students succeed by refusing to form 4 bad habits.
Why do you feel like you’re experiencing an identity crisis? This thinking might be a sign that you are allowing your major to define you, but you are much more than your major.
Being single on Valentine’s Day at college doesn’t have to be the worst. How should you spend your day? Spend it in one or more of these three ways!
What do college freshmen do that confuses college professors? You may be surprised what 7 bad habits cause your professors to scratch their heads.
Struggle with perfectionism? You’re not alone. Many freshmen struggle with being perfectionists. How can this tendency harm your college experience?
How can you study well for your college classes? You’ve tried obvious studying methods but with little improvement. Use these 5 surprising study tips to improve your grades!
Living with a college roommate, even one you really like, is challenging. Follow these 4 golden rules to continue getting along with your roommate!
Owning up to your mistakes in college is gutsy, but it is the best way to transform your college experience. Learn more about how to start second semester off on the right foot!
How can you succeed in your second semester? The secret is actually not that secret: using a planner is the best way to start second semester on the right foot!
How can you continue to pay for college? You don’t know if you can afford to return for second semester. Discover 3 steps!
What did you learn from your first semester of college? College life probably wasn’t anything like you expected, but now you know these 4 facts about college for yourself.
Are you dreading your first college exams? Use these 4 test-taking techniques that work to eliminate the stress and boost your grade. You can conquer your finals one exam at a time!
You’ve heard story after story about college exams. So, what tales are true and untrue? Identify the top 5 lies about college finals, so you can stop stressing and start preparing for finals.