Valentine's Day Gifts That Say “I Love You” to Your College Freshman

Valentine's Day Gifts That Say “I Love You” to Your College Freshman

Valentine’s Day may not seem to mean a whole lot to your college freshman. But the reality is your freshman is probably more aware of this day than he pretends.

If your freshman is dating, he likely feels pressure to buy the perfect gift on a limited budget. If your freshman is single, he probably feels relief and some regret that he doesn’t have someone special in his life.

In the back of his mind, your freshman likely wishes someone would show care for him on this day. He’s in luck, because you love him more than words can express. So how can you show you care without embarrassing him?

Consider giving one of the following kinds of thoughtful gifts to say “I love you” to your freshman!

Gifts that contribute to a stressful expense

Your freshman was blissfully unaware of how expensive life can be before college. Now that he has been in college for months, he’s much more aware of the expense of everyday costs—groceries, gasoline, etc.

While you may pay for some of expenses or his education, he likely has some responsibility to pay for regular everyday items. Having some financial responsibility can be very healthy for him; however, sizable bills can easily add stress to your already stressed out freshman.

This Valentine’s Day consider contributing some money to an expense that is causing your freshman stress like these:

  • School bill: You may want your freshman to own the financial aspect of his education (which I talk about some in this post). Your freshman, however, often feels like he has no idea how he will pay his next bill. Why not encourage him by paying a small amount toward this big bill?

  • Gasoline: If your freshman has a vehicle, paying for fuel may be something that regularly causes him some stress. He may often feel he cannot afford to buy a full tank of gas, so why not encourage him and show you care by taking this stress off his plate this Valentine’s Day?

  • A car wash: Owning a vehicle also means that your freshman has to take care of its maintenance and appearance. Your freshman may feel like car washes are an extravagance he cannot afford, so encourage him by paying for this tiny extravagance.

  • Groceries items: Paying for everyday items can be a stress on your freshman. Items like toothpaste, laundry detergent, granola bars can be a luxury to your financially-strapped freshman. Consider paying for these items or having them delivered to your freshman.

Gifts that make your freshman feel special

College tuition and living expenses likely consume your freshman’s budget and then some. The idea of splurging or buying something for his own enjoyment may be unthinkable, especially if your freshman is extremely money-conscious.

Every now and again, however, your freshman probably wishes he could buy something “just because.” With limited finances, this kind of a purchase is probably not possible.

This Valentine’s Day consider purchasing or paying for a small luxury that your freshman could not regularly afford like these purchases:

  • A nice haircut: Getting a haircut can be expensive, depending on where your freshman’s college is located. If your freshman’s school has little to no rules about personal grooming, he likely doesn’t prioritize getting a haircut unless you make him. Consider paying for him to get a trim. 

  • A month’s subscription to a streaming service: Although many streaming services provide student discounts, sometimes the discount isn’t enough. While subscriptions are not essential, having the ability to listen to music or watch a TV show without the interruption of advertisements is nice. Consider paying for a month’s subscription to your freshman’s most-used streaming service.

Gifts that remind your freshman of home

Your freshman misses home, even if he doesn’t express it. In fact, your freshman may be feeling especially homesick during this part of the semester.

You don’t want to make these feelings worse, but you likely want to help. Sending him small reminders that he is missed and he is thought of often may be the encouragement he needs right now. 

This Valentine’s Day consider sending him reminders of being home that your freshman misses like these items:

  • Homemade food: You cannot go wrong with your freshman’s favorite homemade foods. Though sending food in care packages can be a tricky task, your cooking is sure to be appreciated by your freshman.

  • Favorite snacks: You know your freshman’s likes and dislikes. You know what foods he likes to snack on or eat late at night. Why not consider sending him a package of these favorite snacks?

  • Hand-written notes: Even in the age of instant correspondence, a hand-written note means a great deal. Taking the time to write a thoughtful note and send it in the mail expresses your care for your freshman, so consider sending one!

You love your college freshman. You may even say it (or text it) often. Consider communicating you love your freshman this Valentine’s Day through one of these kinds of thoughtful gifts!

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